why did islam spread so quickly

Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. There are many reasons for this; some say Islam spread so quickly because it was so easy to understand, while others say it is because of its focus on happiness and justice. While there are multiple other views surrounding the spread of Islam, one thing is for sure: it has been spreading quickly over the last few centuries. This article overviews the various conceivable reasons why did Islam spread so quickly over the years.

✅ Piety

Piety, the cornerstone of Islamic teachings, encompasses a deep devotion to God and a commitment to leading a righteous life. It entails upholding moral principles, seeking divine guidance, and practicing virtuous behavior. Through acts of worship, such as prayers and regular recitation of the Quran, Muslims strive to nurture their piety, fostering a close relationship with the Divine.

✅ Morals and Ethics

Central to Islamic teachings are morals and ethics that govern every aspect of a believer’s life. Muslims are encouraged to uphold honesty, integrity, and fairness in all their interactions. These principles extend to personal conduct, social relationships, and business dealings, forming the basis for a just and harmonious society.

✅ The Essence of Prayer

Prayer holds immense significance in the lives of Muslims, serving as a means of connecting with the Divine and seeking spiritual solace. Individuals cultivate humility, mindfulness, and a deep sense of gratitude through regular prayer. The act of worship nourishes the soul and instills discipline, focus, and a heightened awareness of one’s purpose in life.

Islamic Art and Culture

Islamic art and culture encompass a rich tapestry of creative expressions influenced by spiritual devotion and a desire to seek beauty in the world. Islamic art reflects a profound unity and harmony, from intricate calligraphy to mesmerizing geometric patterns. It celebrates the splendor of creation, reminding believers of the divine hand behind all existence.

✅ Breaking the Chains of Superstition

In line with its emphasis on reason and intellect, Islam encourages believers to reject superstitions and backward rituals. Faith urges individuals to seek knowledge, explore the world, and embrace rational thinking. By doing so, Muslims free themselves from unfounded beliefs, enabling a deeper understanding of their faith and a more enlightened approach to life.

Embracing Equality and Respect for Women

Islam places a strong emphasis on gender equality and respect for women. The faith recognizes women’s inherent dignity and rights, advocating for their empowerment and protection. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) set an example by treating women with the utmost kindness, fairness, and respect, challenging prevalent societal norms, and promoting gender justice.

Prohibition of Drugs and Alcohol

Islam advocates for a clean and pure lifestyle, discouraging the consumption of drugs and alcohol. These substances are seen as detrimental to physical and spiritual well-being, hindering one’s ability to fulfill responsibilities and maintain a balanced life. By abstaining from such vices, Muslims strive to lead a healthy, focused, and spiritually fulfilling existence.

✅ No Racism

Islam firmly rejects racism and encourages believers to celebrate diversity. The faith recognizes that the variety of human beings, with their distinct ethnicities, cultures, and languages, is a sign of God’s wisdom and creativity. Muslims are urged to treat all individuals with fairness, justice, and respect, fostering an inclusive society that values the contributions of every individual regardless of their background.

Unity through Universal Brotherhood

At the heart of Islam lies the concept of universal brotherhood, transcending racial, ethnic, and social boundaries. Muslims are encouraged to foster a sense of unity, compassion, and empathy towards all human beings. This spirit of brotherhood promotes social cohesion, peace, and collective progress, enabling a world where love and understanding prevail over hatred and division.

Pursuit of Justice

Justice occupies a central position in Islam, and believers are urged to champion fairness and equity in all spheres of life. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of upholding justice in personal conduct and societal affairs. Muslims are encouraged to advocate for the oppressed, stand against injustice, and work toward a world where all individuals are treated with dignity and equality.


Charity, known as “zakat” in Islam, is essential to the faith. Muslims are encouraged to give to the less fortunate, offering financial support, resources, and assistance to those in need. Charity fosters empathy, gratitude, and a sense of shared responsibility within the community, ensuring the equitable distribution of wealth and resources.


Islam teaches the value of forgiveness as a means of personal and societal healing. Believers are encouraged to forgive those who wronged them, seeking inner peace and spiritual growth. By embracing forgiveness, individuals break the cycle of resentment and promote harmony, fostering a compassionate and forgiving society.

✅ Tolerance

Tolerance is a fundamental principle in Islam, urging Muslims to respect and embrace individual differences. The faith recognizes that diversity is a testament to God’s wisdom, and believers are called upon to cultivate a spirit of acceptance and understanding. Muslims foster harmonious coexistence through tolerance, promoting social cohesion and mutual respect.

Kindness and Leniency

Islam encourages its followers to embody kindness and leniency in their interactions with others. Believers are urged to respond to hostility with patience, understanding, and gentle persuasion. By exemplifying kindness, Muslims strive to create a compassionate society where empathy and goodwill prevail.

✅ Compassionate Treatment of Animals

Islamic teachings emphasize the humane treatment of animals, recognizing them as part of God’s creation and deserving of care and compassion. Muslims are encouraged to treat animals respectfully, avoiding cruelty and unnecessary harm. The faith promotes responsible stewardship of the environment and advocates for protecting all living beings.

✅ Chastity and Modesty

Chastity and modesty are significant in Islamic teachings, guiding believers toward purity of mind, body, and soul. Muslims are encouraged to dress modestly, respecting the boundaries of decency and avoiding extravagance. Individuals strive to cultivate self-discipline, inner strength, and a heightened sense of self-respect by embracing chastity.


Humility is a cherished virtue in Islam, promoting a humble and modest approach to life. Muslims are urged to recognize their place in the grand scheme of creation, acknowledging their dependence on God’s grace. By cultivating humility, individuals develop a balanced perspective, valuing the contributions of others and fostering harmony within society.

Patience and Anger Management

Islam emphasizes the importance of patience and anger management as essential tools for personal growth and harmonious relationships. Believers are encouraged to exercise self-restraint and remain composed in adversity. By practicing patience, individuals cultivate inner strength, resilience, and the ability to navigate life’s challenges gracefully.

✅ Respect for Elders

Islam greatly emphasizes respecting and honoring elders, recognizing their wisdom, life experience, and contributions to society. Muslims are encouraged to seek the guidance and wisdom of older generations, fostering intergenerational bonds and a culture of respect. By cherishing and valuing more aged people, individuals ensure their knowledge and experiences are preserved and passed down to future generations.

Decent Speech

In Islam, the power of words is acknowledged, and believers are encouraged to engage in decent speech. Muslims are urged to communicate gracefully, choosing their words carefully and avoiding harsh or offensive language. By practicing respectful and constructive communication, individuals contribute to a positive and harmonious social environment.


Honesty is a fundamental virtue in Islam, encompassing sincerity, truthfulness, and integrity. Muslims are urged to be honest in all their dealings, whether in personal interactions or business transactions. By upholding honesty, individuals foster trust, build strong relationships, and contribute to a just and ethical society.

Honesty in Business

Islam places a strong emphasis on honesty and ethical conduct in business. Muslims are encouraged to engage in fair trade, fulfilling their promises, and being trustworthy in all business dealings. By adhering to ethical practices, individuals contribute to a just economic system where mutual trust and integrity prevail.

Fulfillment of Promises and Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is a valued trait in Islam, and Muslims are urged to fulfill their promises and commitments. Keeping one’s word and being reliable builds trust among individuals and strengthens social bonds. By being trustworthy, individuals uphold the principles of honesty and integrity, contributing to a cohesive and dependable community.


Islam emphasizes the importance of sincerity in all actions and intentions. Muslims are encouraged to perform their deeds with pure intentions, seeking the pleasure of God rather than recognition from others. Individuals deepen their spiritual connection by cultivating sincerity and leading a life guided by true purpose.

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